ENISA looks at a European Cyber Security Month

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Report examines ’jump-start’ for ‘European Security Month’. The European Network and Information Security Agency ENISA today published a new, detailed feasibility study of a 'European Security Month'. A recommendation of the study is that a strong commitment by the EU Member States would be useful to roll-out a successful European cyber security month.

In the report, ENISA looks at the benefits of a “’European Security Month”. The study takes a close look at 127 cyber security events organised at national level across Europe and how to engage EU Member States. The aim is to increase awareness among EU citizens of risks to personal, corporate and national security and to demonstrate practical steps to protect sensitive information.

Around 50% of the EU member states already run their own, national security days or, usually, weeks. But a pan-European campaign would coordinate the approach and the messages, as well as broaden their scope, by including public and private security industry actors. The security month would draw on the worldwide experiences to create a strong brand, and to deliver clear, powerful messages through a wide range of channels, including websites, advertising, media coverage, videos, TV and radio broadcasts. The report does not however suggest a fixed month across Europe, as the campaigns currently held by Member States span various months identified to mainly occur in Q3/Q4. The report does however suggest that synchronising the month with the US cyber security month (in October) could to “jump start” the process. The report includes a roadmap and strategy to bring together national groups and decision makers.

“With threats at home and work through fixed and mobile computing devices, higher awareness levels can really reduce the number of cyber security breaches,” said Professor Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA. “While this report recognises the challenges to deliver an EU-wide campaign, notably to make the Month fun and exciting, a successful ‘European Security Month’ will reduce the number of incidents, increase consumer’s confidence and help protect children and adults using Internet.”

The EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe stipulates that the EU should undertake a European security month in 2012. This would increase knowledge of Network and Information Security (NIS) issues, modify perceptions of threats, and provide updated security information through education, good practices and competitions.

For full report

Background: Digital Agenda, action point 32, Strengthen the fight against cybercrime at international level
EU Working Group on cybersecurity and cybercrime
For interviews, or further details: Ulf Bergstrom, Spokesman, ENISA, [email protected], Mobile: + 30 6948 460 143, or Isabella Santa, Expert, ENISA, [email protected]